BMW Film 8 - Ticker
Dibyo introduced me to the BMWFilms back during campus days and I loved each of them. Its a series of 8 movies by BMW directed by 8 amazing directors (imdb lists it as 9) and they are as follows:
This is one of my fave Springsteen songs and videos. Somehow this one didn't make it to the greatest hits compilation or the essential collection! How??? Why???
I love to hate 2 banks in India - Citibank and the other one (which recruits in truckloads from campuses). Very disfunctional. Both promise to make your life easy and make it a whole lot difficult. I had cancelled my Citi credit card back during b-school because of a couple of bad experiences. And I vowed to stay away. But because I have to bank with them on the salary account, I thought I'd give them a second chance to help me make my personal banking more convenient. I wanted a co-branded card because of specific benefits (tied to my phone company) - and got a gold card instead. First moment of disappointment as soon as you open the envelope! Then to link this card to the suvidha account I wanted to balance transfer the amount on another card. But no, they wanted 1200 rupees to do that and a 3% fore-closure fees. This is from a person who is a new customer and they are just making money out of me without me even swiping the card once!!! Go figure. I wonder what's the method to this madness. They actually get a customer from a competitor but want to make his life quite difficult! So I ordered my card cancelled. Simple. Must be the shortest time I've ever owned a card. No wonder the 'Citi never sleeps'. Customers must be giving them sleepless nights!!!
This is a take on NPT the Alice in Wonderland way. Quite interesting.
"It's all very simple," said the Hatter as he handed out slices of cake and then went around smacking everyone's hand when they started eating it, "the NPT is a treaty in which the parties that have nuclear weapons agree to get rid of their nuclear weapons in exchange for the parties that don't have nuclear weapons promising not to get nuclear weapons. As part of the incentive for not getting nuclear weapons they're rewarded with the means to make nuclear weapons. Slice of Cake?"
I had read this post by Rohit Bhargava and tried doing the translating thingy with my blog. My limited spanish told me there was something wrong in the whole thing. So I mailed a few of my german friends and asked them to read the translated version. As I had suspected it just translates word to word - screwing up the grammar big time which in return helps to make no sense whatsoever with most sentences! So my 2-bit is you can leave the option on the blog but don't expect your posts to make sense in another language!
A friend of mine sent this and I couldn't stop laughing. Its called Call Center Movie. Simple. Not a documentary but a laugh-a-sec lighter side to the whole outsourcing issue. If you haven't watched this, this is a must watch. Ofcourse, goes without saying, don't take it to heart. 1 password. Just one. 10 years back a password (on the net) was just a simple one. just choose a minimum of six letters and you are done and most of the sites followed similar password nomenclature. then came internet banking. Hacking. 128-bit encryption. Password's are now a nightmare.
...and sleepless. don't know why. tossed and turned. couldn't sleep last night. drifted off to sleep at 6:15am only to wake up at 7am with the alarm. mood's a trifle off. has to be.
I was encoding this video for my pod and I thought I would put it up here as well. This has been one of my fave songs and videos. A Ryan Adams cover, which sounds and looks beautiful with Andrea Corr and Bono in it, don't miss out their dance at the end. Am jealous. Am sure a few other men are too!
It was quite weird. I had been feeling a lil' homesick over the last couple of weeks and yesterday someone suggested I might as well go home for a week. Most of my current work can be done over the internet or con-calls. Only the time difference would be an issue. So while I was interested, I wasn't sure.
Top 5 songs playing on my pod while coming to office today:
My bro turns back the clock with this. I have this huge grin on my face right now. The things we do in life! Ok. Atleast me!!! We always laugh at them in the future don't we??? Back then, that was the last thing on my mind!
I'd been quite an active Aiesec-er during my college days and most of those memories are still fresh. It was a different world together. Meeting new people, travelling across India and abroad, meeting trainees, selling internships to companies. Sigh! A few days back in one of the alumni mail trail I discovered Nomadlife. Its run by aiesecers and hosts blogs of aiesecers and other travelers. I was reading a few blogs - indians abroad in their internships or non-indians writing about their experiences in different countries. Got me a lil' nostalgic. Its like going back in time through the words of other people. Been there, done that kinds. People getting excited about elections, about IPM, about Directors, about PAI, about the MC. I still remember my Aiesec interview back in '96. Made a lot of good friends along the way. Some I'm in touch with, some I wish I was in touch with. But its a small world. You never know when you might bump into eachother! So here's to all Aiescers -past and present!
I had written this sometime back when I was trying to choose a broadband connection. And Airtel gave me a raw deal (took the initial money, only to tell me later they can't provide it). More on the previous post. So anyways, I didn't have much of an option and went with BSNL. Looked quite good at Rs. 500 for 1gb download. But then my bills started coming to almost Rs. 2-3K per month; steep, considering I do not download movies or music at home. Then I realised that BSNL charges for incoming and outgoing data and I was getting screwed for talking to my folks in Toronto and some of my other friends worldwide. So while skype was free, my service provider was making lots of money on it. So I changed to the Rs. 1000 plan for 2gb download (plus outgoing bytes) and my bill came down to Rs. 1.5k a month. But that means I can't cam and I can't talk too long on skype. That kinda sucked. So I then found out both VSNL and Airtel have 256 kbps unlimited (no cap on download or upload) plans at Rs. 999 and Rs. 1600 respectively. So I logged in a request on 10th March and I got those quick replies - it'll be up in 3 days etc etc. But today, 9 days down the line, I have called them 3 times each and neither has called me back yet. I was wondering if customer service is so poor even before I use their product, how would it be after I start using it.
In case, you were wondering what's the lastest with the games and wanted to follow India's medals tally, click here. India's reached the finals of TT and has hope in hockey.
No its not some exotic place in the farthest corner of earth. Its the journey from home to office and back. Hosur Road. And I'm not being sarcastic. I used to get quite irritated earlier as it used to take me close to 2 hours sometimes to go one-way. But as things usually work out, I have gradually developed an inertia and also as a result of a few permutations (as regards to what is the best time to leave home) I have gotten quite indifferent. On an average it takes me 30-45 mins to traverse from BTM to Electronic City (10.8 km exactly).
Go here for the updated football (soccer) league standings from across the globe (most popular ones).
I saw one of Randy Glasbergen's cartoons pinned at my friend's desk. Was quite funny. Go to his website and check out the business cartoons. He has tonnes of them.
Can't say for sure but it has a lot of promise. This season could decide the future of Schumi. Will he ride the storm and win yet another championship or will Alonso reign supreme again? The first race was quite awesome and while Schumi came in second, look at the top 3. Alonso, Schumi, Raikonnen! Thats the roster you wanna see on the podium every race. A few races can throw a few surprises. Rosberg and Button can push for a podium. Am ok with that. But it looks like the cars are finally quite similar in nature (McLaren still looks a lil' dodgy). So its going to be the driving skills and the tactics (pit stops, fuel) which are going to be the deciding factors. What I like most is the change in the rules for qualifying. I think this is the best format that they could have come out with. Makes for good viewing and is quite a cat-and-mouse game at the tracks too.
Got tagged by Progga. So here we go:
Seven things to do before I die...
Seven things I can't do:
Seven things that attract me to
Seven excellent books:
Seven good movies:
Phew!!! What a game!!! Lemme catch my breath...till then click here. I'll be back with more.
It was all in good jest as part of SNL (Saturday Night Live). Portman is awesome in this rap song, she even says 'I'm gonna kill your dog!' :)
When I was a kid, in junior school, both my parents used to work. At the Kolkata Airport. If I remember correctly, my dad's times were erratic (still is, in Toronto). But Ma used to get in by 6-7 pm. By then I was up from my nap (I used to get home around 3pm) and was at the stairs waiting for her. The first thing I always asked was 'Ki anto?' Translated to 'Ki enechho' or 'What did you bring?' And she always had something for me. She knew I loved books - actually I loved the bookshop in the airport. And my regulars were Amar Chitra Katha and the Hardy Boys. They were the beginning. Have moved on since then. I remember the first Hardy Boys I got - The Pentagon Spy! :) Quite impressed I remember the title. I long to have a house of my own where I can finally stack all my books nicely. Some are in Bangalore, most in Ahmedabad lying packed in boxes, some in Toronto I had given Ma to read. Am also getting scared of my dvds - running out of space to keep all of them. Hmmm.
1. Freemasons ft. Amanda Wilson - Watchin'
Mourinho just can't stop crying. I had posted this a couple of weeks back. But he insists on eating sour grapes. I can't help it can I? Chelsea was outplayed last night and while Jose can crib about not finishing the Stamford Bridge game with 11 players, what was his excuse last night? Wine not too good? Or maybe the weather? How about you don't have a Ronaldinho in your team eh? And inspite of the 85 million minimum tag for his sale, Barca wouldn't be interested. Ask Ronnie himself! Bugger off Jose.
A friend asked me to read a few posts and over the day I did. The first is by Baudolino and it talks about everyday 'Everyday English' or so we think! The other was in The Morning News - about first liking the whole idea of how-it-would-be-to-live-in-NYC and then to actually live in NYC. Shwetha should identify with this. :)
Crash won the best motion picture!!!
This was my London trip song (thanks to my aunt) - you always have one for every trip. I tried hunting for the mp3 online but lucked out. So this video. A lil' cheesy, but its the best I could do. I like what Buble's done to this oldie. Smooth.
Actually its neither. It was Knorr's Chicken Sweet Corn Soup!!! Thats what it has come to. Friday evening and the cook asked us what he should make. Chinese! Then as a second thought - veg chinese??? Nah. He convinced us about the paneer and veg hot and sweet. But what's chinese without the meat? So out came the soup and we had our taste of chicken in some weeks now. Life has come to this! I think I'm getting converted to a veggie thanks to this bird-flu. C'est la vie! Mummmy!!!
This one I have been listening to over the years. Since school actually. Tale of scorned love. But theres a bit more to it in the song. I think you need to be a king of wishful thinking nowadays. Things don't always turn out the way you have been wishing for. But keep your chins up and look for the silver lining. Its out there. Pukka!
This is a pretty good website, which has tons of footage. Only problem is that its free for UK residents only right now. Bummer. But junta in UK, please check this out.
I like the album a lot and this a video which is un-U2 like, with special effects (animation). But its nice. If you want to know more about the video, click here. If you want to see Bono without his dark glasses for once, this video is it!
Check out these videos of Pimp my Ride - a special on Madonna. In her video 'Sorry' a 6 year old white Volkswagen is converted to a club-on-wheels, complete with the bling look. Nice.
While I write the proposals, get into calls and try and shape my future I have been catching up on a few movies in the last couple of weeks viz. The Constant Gardener, Goal, Iqbal.
Click here to check what people visualised as the next apple products - as a part of an Engadget competition. Its complete with pics. Neat.