I was glad when I heard the news of
Prof. Yunus getting awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. If anyone has followed the rise of
Grameen Bank (
Wiki) which he established, he/she would be aware of the concept of
Microcredit that he has revolutionised in Bangladesh. I was fortunate enough to meet him back in 1998 in
AIESEC's 50th anniversary conference in Helsinki and Stockholm. I didn't know who he was till then and was looking forward to catch his lecture on Microcredit and entrepreneurship. In walked a gentleman who could might as well as have passed off as my uncle who was dropping in to say hello. Very humble appearances and when Yog and I met him after the seminar to say hello, introduce ourselves as delegates from India he was very warm and friendly. You wouldn't have been able to make out that he was the CEO of Grameen Bank. Later in 1999 I visited AIESEC Bangladesh for some of their training needs and was made aware how big and successful Grameen Bank was all over the country. And very professional, great offices. All this with the bottomline of helping poor people. They have really come a long way. All the best to them for their future endevours!
you look slim in that pic! ;)
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