IIM Bangalore's Vista 2005 is on
IIM Bangalore's Management Fest - Vista 2005 is on right now at campus. Its happening today and tomorrow. Kiran Karnik and Ravi Uppal are the key note speakers.
IIM Bangalore's Management Fest - Vista 2005 is on right now at campus. Its happening today and tomorrow. Kiran Karnik and Ravi Uppal are the key note speakers.
Where have I been? Just got asked that. Well, sometimes I have to work too! :) And work this last couple of weeks been hectic; going-bald kinda hectic.
1. Jimmy Eat World - Work
The new soccer/Ball-game blog is up. Let me know if anyone is interested in blogging there.
Scene last evening:
Anil has this simple way to do it. I tried it and it works like a dream.
"October is a few millimetres away from overpowering rain statistics and records. The highest-ever annual rainfall recorded in Bangalore stands at 1432 mm in 1998. Cut to now, as of Oct. 23, 2005, the rainfall has clocked 1401 mm already, as against the normal of 970 mm. There’s more — the highest ever recorded for October was 522 mm in 1956. “We are very close to these statistics right now, another spell of 50 mm rainfall and it would be a historic rainfall,” declares Met department director A L Koppar. For, October has already seen 474 mm rainfall."
As usual, on the way to work this morning, my friend and I were discussing about ourselves - work, life etc. We noticed that a lot of our friends and colleagues keep chasing things and are never happy or at peace with themsleves. I've had my share of moving around and believe all work and roles in different companies are just another shade of grey. So its what you lose out in your current job when you choose another. I'm not for a moment, suggesting that everything is hunky dory and people shouldn't change jobs (I've done the same, so I should not preach). What I'm trying to suggest is that when most people switch they suddenly get enamored with a good hike and not look hard at the future role & its responsibilities. And quite soon, they get disillusioned. That I feel is a waste of effort and time. If you are lucky to be in a large company, chances are most of the roles you would like to get into would exist; question is how do you get them? Networking & a good ear & pure luck would be the answer. Corny eh? But thats just how it is. One should stop chasing future probalities and focus more on the job at hand and make it worth the effort. A lot of us forget to do this. No work is bad work (refer: FedEx ad). It all adds up in the end, somehow and somewhere, trust me.
"The name is good, the brand is bigAmen.
But the work I do is that of a pig
The work or the brand, what is my way?
I dont know if I should stay.
To work, they have set their own way
Nobody will care to hear what I say
My will be NULL, they wont change their way
I dont know if I should stay.
The project is in a critical stage
But to do good work, this is the age
This dilemma is killing me day by day
I dont know if I should stay.
The money is good ,the place is great
But the development is at a very small rate
Should I go for the work, or wait for pay
I dont know if I should stay.
The managers dont know what they talk
The team doesnt know where they walk
That's a bad situation, what say?
I dont know if I should stay.
I can go to any other place
But what if I get the same disgrace
I cant keep switching day by day
I dont know if I should stay.
The -ves are more, the +ves are less
Then why have this unnecessary mess
No more will I walk their way,
Its all done, I won't stay."
Thats the closest I'd get to summing up ManUtd against Lille a couple of nights back. VK posted about what's ailing ManUtd. I agree on most of the counts - my comments are there (which is as good as a post). So lemme be lazy. You go read that up.
My friend, Madhusudan has been running pillar to post for the last few days to get the insurance claim after his father had a heart attack and was then admitted to Sagar Apollo. And then, I get this from him yesterday. This is just the pits! Thievery Corporation is just a band, maybe it means more here. You decide.
Madhusudan Rajagopalan 09/27/2005 08:20 PM | To: info@icicilombard.com cc: insuranceonline@icicilombard.com Subject: complaint |
Its been hectic for the last few days but on the other hand I read some interesting posts on Prerona and Aparna. For almost everyone who blogs, its a nice release to get online and talk about things that you might not end up discussing otherwise and you also find people who think alike. So my question is...at the end of the day - geographies apart, race apart, gender apart is everyone like everyone else? Am I like you? Or are you like me? I'm not really sure but I have noticed that you will always find a shade of yours in someone else for sure and vice-versa. So while we say opposites attract, look deeper and you'll see some similarity between the two people. It just has to exist [nothing compared to the extremes of the other parameters (for the lack of a better word)].
This is the first thing I read this morning when I opened my mails. Its a complete laugh riot. Some I had heard before, but good to hear them again. Here's the same for you:
1. All American Rejects - Move along
After the last post I was on my way to see 'Flightplan'. Please avoid seeing it. Its an attempt of a thriller following up to the 'Panic Room'...not to be unfortunately. Story's wafer thin, you figure out what's gonna happen and when it happens it finishes with a whimper! What a damp squib! And to see Times of India giving it a 3 star...how??!!! I better not say too much eh, or i'd get some notices too as regards to someone taking offense to what I feel.
...when i use toothpaste to lather up than my shaving gel!!!
its one of those days...woke up to a depressing day...its not stopped raining since morning. Its been so grey and melancolic. Mom and bro are in Toronto, dad's in Mumbai for the next few days and I'm in Bangalore. You get the drift...
Check out this great Guinness Commercial. Sigh! Wish I could get one right now!!!
i could be absolutely juvenile but i dig 'one tree hill' for some awesome quotes if not for anything else. Here's a few...
No, I'm referring to the James Bond flick (1999), but to the massacre that has happened at the Telstra Dome, Melbourne over the last few days. 3-0 to Australia. Was anyone expecting it? Maybe 2-1 or even 1-2, but 3-0 to the Aussies? Nah! And to think people were over the moon after the Ashes got over! The old order changeth they said...hmmm. Where are the same people now? You may have a Flintoff or a Pietersen or even a Sehwag, but on the other side you have a Watson or a Hussey or a Katich or a Clarke or a Gilchrist or a....You get the picture. What this side may lack in individual brilliance [(unlike an India or a Pakistan), some Aussies might even take offence to this], they make up with superior fielding, bowling, batting. If one fails, someone else takes the baton and finishes the race. That's the reason why they are number 1, and that too after playing and winning everywhere (they even conquered India). One English summer does not maketh a world champion! Hopefully the test match might prove me wrong!
While I have started blogging more actively from March this year, technically I started blogging since last Oct, this day. Huppy budday!
Some are like water, some are like the heat
1. Bedouin Soundclash - When the night feels my song
Black Toilet Paper? Sensual?????
Just got back after seeing the Transporter 2. Before I come to the movie, I just realised that I haven't done these 10pm shows for quite sometime. Last time I did this was in Singapore trying to figure out 'The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' at 12am! But its actually fun to go watch a movie when you have few people around? Wrong. Bangalore somehow was more crowded; it could be my imagination but i think Forum has become more crowded after Garuda has come up. Anyways.