Thursday, September 08, 2005

New Orleans Vs. Mumbai

New Orleans vs. Mumbai: A comparison I came across yesterday!

Inches of rain in New Orleans due to hurricane Katrina... 18
Inches of rain Mumbai (July 27th).... 37.1

Population of New Orleans... 484,674
Population of Mumbai.... 12,622,500

Deaths in New Orleans within 48 hours of Katrina...100
Deaths in Mumbai within 48hours of rain… 37

Number of people to be evacuated in New Orleans… entire city…
Number of people evacuated in Mumbai... 10,000

Cases of shooting, looting and violence in New Orleans...Countless
Cases of shooting and violence Mumbai… NONE

Time taken for US army to reach New Orleans... 48hours
Time taken for Indian army and navy to reach Mumbai...12hours

Status 48hours later… New Orleans is still waiting for relief, army and electricity
Status 48hours later… Mumbai is back on its feet and is business as usual

USA... world's most developed nation
India... third world country


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We live in a land of freedom, which in times of crisis also brings out our inhumanities and stupidity. Not all of us will stay in a place where the water is over our heads behind a levee. Some had no choice. It is also impotant to note.. I belive you country has what we call a monsoon season,so your know the water to a sience. The incident in the south was unpredictable, the odds of it hitting the same spot are astronomical. but I do agree the people were told ...why did they stay?

September 08, 2005 10:53 AM  

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