Wednesday, September 21, 2005

While in India behave like Indians, when abroad behave like???

I often wonder why the same person (specifically Indians) acts differently in two different countries. You will find the same person who - spits on the road, does not maintain lanes, litters everywhere, jaywalks - turn into a saint when abroad. Its as if he was the evil twin of the person you see abroad. If we can follow laws and keep another country litter-free why the hell do we the opposite in our own country??? Can't figure that one out!!!


Blogger Prerona said...

have heard this many times - but u know what ... now on my 2nd trip to uk - i find that the place is buzzing with more asians than asia - and people behave just like they do back home ... its sad in way

mines fixed. by a friend.
check the sizes in ur template for
content, main, side. it should be:

content = main + side
body = header + content + footer

September 21, 2005 5:44 AM  

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