Friday, October 08, 2004

The Indian foodie!

Its so true everytime. Whenever an Indian lands up abroad what's the first thing he looks for? You got that one right - an Indian eating joint! You could have a go at me saying the British always want their bacon and eggs, the Americans always look for their steaks, so what's wrong with Indians going for some dal & chawal (pulses & rice). While there's nothing wrong in it and its absolutely fine sticking to one's culinary I wonder if we lack the sense of adventure of tasting the other cuisines in this world? I for one would love to taste the cuisine of the country I go visiting (maybe if I don't like what I see I might not eat it...but am sure I'd find something that I would like), but again some relatives, friends who have been abroad wouldn't find it 'filling' if they don't have their staple diet of daal-chawal. Go figure!


Blogger NaZZ said...

Hey Maverick!

Yeah, I can totally relate to your entry; what with me being part of a family of fellow 'curry munchers' too. I find it very ironic that one would actually bother planning a night out in order to eat what you would normally eat any other night at your own home! Personally, I too would rather try out new things, I mean, afterall, sometimes you've just gotta let your tastebuds do the thinking for you. But yeah, given the choice, most of my relies and family friends would happily choose the local 'Taj' over Chinese take-out or a gourmet pizza anyday.
Such are the complexities of the human mind. Suppose it's got something to do with feeling like one's back at home, perhaps?

January 29, 2005 10:57 PM  

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